'Oh look, Out Of Date Minder says my out of date add-ons aren't loaded, and asks whether I want to load them!'.Forgot to re-enable loading of out of date AddOns. 'Argh, where has my window disappeared to?!'.So, with Out Of Date Minder, instead of the regular steps of:
Yes, I know that some of my installed add-ons might break, but most of them don't, so please load them! Out Of Date Minder was created out of frustration with the auto-disabling of loading of out of date add-ons whenever the game is patched. This is trivial if you run the Curse Client on a regular basis. Note: you will need to keep this add-on updated for it to work properly. Out Of Date Minder notifies you whenever a new game patch has disabled the 'Load of out date AddOns' option, and gives you the choice to re-enable it right then and there, without having to re-log/exit!