Now we’re talking about how they have been listening to players to improve Breakpoint. 20Y_giveaways – Get the original GR for free, and the Wildlands DLC if you don’t own it already. While most would agree that authenticity isn’t quite there compared to something like Arma, it is at least better than what many other military-themed game developers do. Next, there’s some chatting about their world-building strategy, with more waxing nostalgic, talking about how they expanded the maps until they came to the open-world design used now. We open with a lot of nostalgia: The early portion of the stream is all about the history of Ghost Recon, and how Ubisoft is a loving parent for it. If you missed the 20th anniversary update, here’s my own raw notes compiled as the stream was broadcast. Ubisoft enjoys a dramatic flair for their updates: Whether a new game or major update, you can bet that there will be an air of mystery as well as a bombastic presentation to follow. Posted by wfl Polymath with a passion for accessible gaming, stealth & sniper games, precision shooting and founder of Ghost Gamer News Here's everything worthwhile we've learned from the livestream